Saturday, February 21, 2009

Elementary School Teachers

Tell us about your Elementary school teachers and what you remember. Feel free to come back and answer this as you remember different things that come up.

Who was your favorite? What was special about some of them? Which ones did you drive batty?

Any story or thought you want to share.

Be careful some may still read this and make you sit out recess!


  1. 1st Grade Hazel Rogers (I started out around the end of November. She embarrassed me in class one day and it really hurt my feelings. For some reason I always felt scared of her.
    2nd Grade Ella Page - (Mrs. Page was the "Aunt Bee" of grade school - I cried when I found out she wouldn't be my third grade teacher)
    3rd Grade Miss Hope Streetman - I'm guessing this was her first job right out of college.(I Forgot all about Ms. Page. I thought she was beautiful. A lot of the boys wouldn't leave for the day without a kiss on the cheek from Miss Streetman. At the end of the grade I cried because I didn't get a writing certificate. She called me to her desk and told me to work on my writing during the summer she gave me one anyway.)
    4th Grade Clara Wilson (She was funny and one of my favorites. I remember doing finger painting and mine was posted in the display window that faced the hallway.)
    5th Grade Gaston Walker (Got my first lickin' on the playground from him - liked him anyway. He got in trouble one because he and his wife took me shopping with them once after school. Unfortunately they didn't tell my parents!)
    6th Grade Kate Holder (Everyone seemed to fear her but we got along well - I think she like boys better than girls.)

    I must have liked school. I only missed 28 days in elementary school and none in grades 4 and 5.Not as good as Kay but not too bad a record with all the childhood illnesses that float around.

    My first principal was David McCall followed by Mr. Jolly. I don't remember much except "steer clear" of Mr. Jolly is what I was told.

  2. My mom still lives across the street from Mendenhall (Plano Elementary)and my daughter in law taught there for many years. Then too I retired from the District and found myself inside the school on many occasions.

    It was strange and memories would flood my mind.

    I remember Mrs. Wilson, Ms. Evans, Mr. Walker, Coach Harris, Mrs. Hunt, and Ms. Stults.

    Each played such a pivotal role in our lives. Ms. Evans was so loving, Mrs. Wilson taught us to laugh at life, Mr. Walker was a stickler for being on time and doing it right, Coach Harris was an encourager and motivator, Mrs. Hunt was one of the best instructors ever and for me Ms. Stults was the complete package of what a teacher should be.

    I remember elementary school as the place I felt most secure, the happiest. In many ways our classmates and Plano schools per se became my family, my home.

    Ken Bangs

  3. Trudy and I were talking just after the above post. Remember the day in sixth grade when Diane Nelson had the audacity to suggest that Kay Spurgon could outrun Gail Gibson? We laughed at her until she suggested we just forget about the race and she would take all comers in a wrestling match. Suddenly the race was on.

    We just knew Gail would win. Kay could not outrun Gail. I mean he had on his tenny's and she had girl shoes and a dress.

    They lined up and we all were yelling and hollering. It was over before it began. She smoked him. Gail, Gail! I had bet Diane a fudge cycle and a chocolate milk. At first I was not going to pay up, but then Diane brought up the wrestling again...

    Gail, did you slip, stumble...what?

    Ken Bangs
